

We are committed to being empowered by prayer in the conception, planning and out-working of the ministries of the church.
[ James 5:13-18 ; Matthew 7:7-11 ].

We are committed to acknowledging and rejoicing in God’s supreme value and worth in our personal lives and in the corporate worship times together. We strongly submit to fact that “all worship MUST BE given to God and no other.”
[ Romans 12:1-2 ; Acts 2:42 ; 1 Chronicles 16:29 ; John 4:23-24 ]

We are committed to the fact that health brings growth and that we serve God in ways that are creative and culturally relevant as well as Biblical valid, we will grow numerically.
[ Proverbs 18:15 ; 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 ]

We are committed to providing a ministry setting that strengthens families. This calls for strong Youth and Children’s Ministries as well as ministries that addresses the issues of family life today.
[ 2 Timothy 1:5 ; Proverbs 22:6 ].

A fully functioning ministry set up to serve our children in the ways of the Lord as the Word of God instructs [ Proverbs 22:6 ]. This ministry is for children from 5 years to 12 years. Children will be exposed to Bible teachings on their age level and experience lots of group interaction as they learn from the Word. At CFSMI, your kids will experience the love of God in an engaging, exciting environment. Our teachers and leaders foster a safe and Biblical-based environment for your kids to learn foundational truths.

Youth Alive is a unique ministry for teenagers within and beyond our ministry. We believe their lives are defined and directed by a loving God rather than life’s circumstances. As a ministry, we desire to help them connect with God, their peers and leaders through healthy relationships. The Youth Ministry is designed to create environments for the young people to encounter Jesus, unlock their potential and find community.

We realise it’s increasingly easy to walk through the doors of a church and sing some songs, give offerings and hear a great message without anyone ever knowing your name. But can you imagine what a life could look like if you had a small group of encouraging people to do life with? We believe spiritual growth doesn’t just happen in rows in church, but perhaps it happens the most in circles of people who are helping each other to win. We strongly encourage all our members to join a Small Group within the community they reside.

At CFSMI, we believe in the strength of fellowship and community. For this purpose, our Singles Ministry is organised completely through our Small Group Ministry. We believe that this small group discipleship approach ministers most effectively to the unique lifestyles and personalities of single men and women in Christ. With specialised groups for single men, single women and single parents, you can find a group that will build you up in your walk with God while also creating strong relationships.

Christ For Salvation Ministries International provides a nurturing atmosphere that teaches, blesses, honours, and appreciates women. Through sound, Biblical principles and anointed fellowship, women are empowered to walk in spiritual freedom, authority and security. Our desire is to impact the women and community by surrounding them with good relationships and foundational resources needed to live beyond their potential in a spirit of excellence.

CFSMI seeks for every man to know this freedom in Christ, therefore, it is our goal to lead men to a deeper walk with Christ. We desire to unlock the warrior heart in all men, put there by the Father, so that men can fight for their lives, marriages, children and generations to come.

We are committed to fostering relationships with one another so that care giving servant-hood will take place as we love one another in times of need.
[ Romans 12:5 ; John 13:4-5 ]

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Bringing Kingdom Change Into People’s Lives By Preaching & Teaching The Uncompromised Word of God [John 8:32].